- 4 CIM Single Speed 6 Wheel Drive
- 3 Degrees Of Freedom Telescoping Arm:
- “Shoulder” Pivot: CIM on 64:1 P80 gearbox + 5:1 sprocket reduction with a 112T custom #35 chain sprocket & torque limiting device
- Telescope: 2x 775pro on 49:1 reduction (ability to fully lift two robots)
- Wrist: BAG-In-Tube 200:1 with Armabelt Drive
Winner: Archimedes World Championship Division, Granite State District Event, Mayhem in Merrimack, Summer Heat, River Rage
- 4 CIM traction wheel and Omni Drive with custom gearboxes
- Climbing spool powered by 775Pro motor through a 72:1 reduction
- Intake pivot powered by BAG motor through a 180:1 reduction
- Intake wheels powered by BAG motor through a 10:1 reduction
- Shooter powered by 775Pro motor through a 4:1 reduction with integrated encoder
Winner: North Shore District Event, Rhode Island District Event, Boston District Event, River Rage, Battle of the Bay
- 4 CIM 10-wheel tank drive with 2-speed ball shifters
- Climber winch powered by CIM through 27:1 reduction
- Passive climber extension via gas shocks and springs
- Intake pivot powered by a 775Pro motor through a 200:1 reduction
- Intake wheels powered by 775Pro motor through a 10:1 reduction
- Pnuematic catapult with surgical tubing assist